
Stay safe online - 27th July 2024

No-code platforms and tools: safety concerns, the future of programming

No-code changes the future and world with the power of bringing the AI to masses. Read the post
General News   March 16, 2022  

New Gmail phishing scam might trick everyone

Phishing scams became mainstream last year. In 2016 various organisations and companies have suffered from these cyber attacks.Read the post
General News   March 22, 2017  

Protect your PC with best anti-malware programs of 2017

If you have never taken care of your computer’s security, 2017 is the best year for that.Read the post
General News   January 13, 2017  

Black Friday marks the start of malware activity increase

Some say that consumerism is a horrible thing, especially during holiday season.Read the post
General News   November 18, 2016  

Why should you not rush paying the ransom?

Ransomware viruses are one of the most popular and dangerous cyber threats nowadays.Read the post
General News   November 15, 2016  

An increase in spam activity warns about high risk of ransomware attack

Maybe you can still remember that in 2010 spam folders were always full.Read the post
General News   October 19, 2016  

Yahoo hack: more questions than answers

Last week Yahoo officially confirmed about major data breach – more than 500 million accounts were leaked in 2014.Read the post
General News   September 28, 2016 is now available in three more languages

Our loyal readers have probably noticed some changes on our website.Read the post
General News   August 30, 2016  

UGetFix can easily fix your issues on Windows and Mac OS X

Need a site that could help you solve computer-related issues?Read the post
General News   August 17, 2016  

A decryption solution for the ApocalypseVM ransomware discovered

The victims of ransomware viruses rarely get their files back.Read the post
General News   July 06, 2016  

FBI gives a valuable advice for the ransomware victims

Cyber criminals are becoming increasingly advanced as they come up with new techniques to extort money from their victims.Read the post
General News   July 04, 2016  

PC security threats to watch out for in 2016: ransomware, adware and browser hijackers

<p>Just because 2015 has been titled as a year of ransomware, it does not mean that things are going to change in 2016.Read the post
General News   May 04, 2016