Uninstall Dridex virus (Free Removal Instructions)

Dridex virus Removal Guide

Description of Dridex virus

Dridex virus launched the new spam delivering tactic

In 2014 Dridex virus caused financial damage to corporations in North America and Western Europe. The hackers stole about £20m from UK bank accounts. You can only imagine the amount of stolen money worldwide. Malware researchers have recently warned about the new spam wave launched by Dridex malware developers. It seems criminals are willing to thieve more money from corporations located in the Baltic countries. It’s a rather odd target because these countries are not strong economically compared with other nations in the Europe. The virus is known as successful online banking malware because it steals log-in details and passwords by redirecting victims to fraudulent bank websites. The fake site is created so professionally that victims rarely notice any difference. However, after the attack victims might see system errors or various warning notifications. If you have recently received a suspicious email from your bank and noticed decreased computer’s performance, you should scan your computer with reputable security program such as FortectIntego. There’s a huge possibility that your computer was infected with this malware. If it has happened, the anti-malware program will remove Dridex from the PC as well.

Dritex is not a first virus that targets banks and corporation. It is an updated version of Cridex Trojan. This kind of malware is designed to record bank information and passwords. It screenshots the screen of the victim’s computer and sends it to developer’s servers. Indeed, when criminals get this information they sooner or later empty victim’s bank account. Talking about technical Dritex malware features, it operates as Trojan and computer worm. Now it has adopted more sophisticated techniques and tactics for infiltrating more computers. It spreads via malicious RTR (Word Document) file. Unfortunately, many computer users still believe that Word files cannot be dangerous. It is believed that only .exe or other unknown file formats might be malicious. Virus mostly targets corporations, but ordinary computer users might be attacked as well. If you became a victim of this malware, you should not hesitate and initiate Dridex removal immediately.

How does the malware enter the system?

The Dridex malware spreads via malicious email attachments that have Macro commands. Developers pretend to be from banks or financial institutions and ask victims to open the attached file that is named as a safe looking Word document file. Indeed, if you receive an invoice from a bank you barely suspect something shady or dangerous. However, the Microsoft has increased the security and disabled files that contain macros. The easiest targets were computers where macros were automatically enabled because malware started downloading automatically. Overwise victims are asked to enable macros. If you receive this suspicious request, do not accept it and take a better look at an email and double check the information with your bank.

Recently, malware researchers noticed that Dridex virus spreads via RTF file. The file is protected with a password which is provided in the email. This method allows tricking email services and security programs because it becomes hard to scan and detect malicious code in the attachment. For this reason, an infected email is not delivered into a spam folder. The only way to protect your computer from Dridex hijack is to open suspicious emails and especially attached files carefully. Also, you should use the Internet wisely; avoid downloading questionable programs, clicking on suspicious content or using file sharing services.

Dridex virus elimination guide

To remove Dridex from your computer, it’s not enough to find and eliminate malware itself. The virus is capable of opening the backdoor for other malware and viruses, so it’s important to get rid of these malicious components as well. We do not recommend doing it manually because it’s a hard and tricky task. For Dridex removal you should employ a strong and powerful anti-malware program such as FortectIntego or SpyHunter 5Combo Cleaner. Security programs are designed to find and eliminate all malicious files from the computer.

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What to do if failed?
If you failed to fix virus damage using Fortect Intego, submit a question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.
Fortect Intego has a free limited scanner. Fortect Intego offers more through scan when you purchase its full version. When free scanner detects issues, you can fix them using free manual repairs or you can decide to purchase the full version in order to fix them automatically.
Alternative Security Tools
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Fortect, try running SpyHunter 5.
Alternative Security Tools
Different software has a different purpose. If you didn’t succeed in fixing corrupted files with Intego, try running Combo Cleaner.

How to prevent from getting malware

Prevent the government from spying on you

As there is a growing debate in government about collecting users' data and spying on citizens, you should take a closer look at this issue and find out what shady ways of gathering information can be used to collect information about you. You need to browse anonymously if you want to avoid any government-initiated spying and tracking of information. 

You can enjoy secure internet browsing and minimize the risk of intrusion into your system if you use Private Internet Access VPN program. This VPN application creates a virtual private network and provides access to the required data without any content restrictions.

Control government and other third party access to your data and ensure safe web browsing. Even if you do not engage in illegal activities and trust your ISP, we recommend being careful about your security. You should take extra precautions and start using a VPN program.

Recover files damaged by a dangerous malware attack

Despite the fact that there are various circumstances that can cause data to be lost on a system, including accidental deletion, the most common reason people lose photos, documents, videos, and other important data is the infection of malware.

Some malicious programs can delete files and prevent the software from running smoothly. However, there is a greater threat from the dangerous viruses that can encrypt documents, system files, and images. Ransomware-type viruses focus on encrypting data and restricting users’ access to files, so you can permanently lose personal data when you download such a virus to your computer.

The ability to unlock encrypted files is very limited, but some programs have a data recovery feature. In some cases, the Data Recovery Pro program can help recover at least some of the data that has been locked by a virus or other cyber infection.

About the author
Julie Splinters
Julie Splinters - Spyware and malware removal expert

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