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Thank you for your download. We are very happy that you decided to choose Reimage PC Repair tool to improve your computer's functionality. With the help of this program, you will:

  • fix Windows errors and OS problems
  • remove computer viruses
  • recover damaged or missing files 
  • improve computer's stability.


Sometimes you can't fix a computer by using the only virus removal tool. Anti-virus, anti-spyware and similar security programs do not share the same virus database, so you may need to try several scanners to detect each of malicious components on your computer. To be sure that your PC is virus and error-free, we recommend you to run a free SpyHunter scanner as well. This program has received only the highest results in virus detection and removal of such cyber threats as adware, browser hijackers, ransomware, etc. You can't lose anything because you don't have to pay for its trial version which is excellent when you need to detect malware on the system. If you were informed by Reimage about the dangerous files on your computer, remove them by purchasing its licensed version. You can get more information by contacting us with the help of Ask Us.


To detect viruses on your computer, you can use Reimage free with no free required. To remove malware from the system, you have to purchase its licensed version. If you are against that, you can uninstall Reimage. Alternative programs for this repair tool: Malwarebytes and SpyHunter 5.

NOTE: Computer security experts report that 2016 is the year of ransomware. Such viruses can encrypt people's files and keep them blocked for as long as they make them pay a ransom. If you are a victim of ransomware, you can be made to pay from $300 to $10000. Besides, there is no guarantee that hackers will give you a right decryption key capable of recovering your encrypted files. Is it worth saving the money on computer protection software?